I believe that I improved over time when it came to answering ATI questions. With that said for each proctored exam I was able to score a level 2 which I was proud of. I am disappointed with the predictor I didn’t score as well as I usually did but I believe if I was to take it again under different circumstances I would be pleased with my results as well. It was helpful remediating the questions I got wrong because it allowed me to focus on certain material that I wasn’t fully confident on. Moreover, by utilizing these practice questions I am more confident while answering questions. I learned that self-care is extremely important and I tend to test better when I relax the night before rather than stress out and try to study. I am very pleased with how I did academically this final semester and I feel more confident when answering questions. I will use what I learned and the skills I have gained for studying for the NCLEX and every day attitudes. I believe this has helped me become more organized and that will be useful for my future career.