First draft:

Final draft:

To compete this writing assignment it took numerous amounts of brainstorming, and re-writing. At first I was going to write about something else, so it took multiple brainstorming papers until I got the flow that I wanted. The peer-editing really helped, and especially reading it out loud to myself. Just by reading it to myself out loud I found numerous grammar errors, and changed the order of my paragraphs to make it more sufficient. Moreover, I took in to play what people said about my essay to make it better. Instead of just looking for small errors I had to make sure I had all the big points down. By editing my paper globally before locally I was able to add big parts of my story that I was missing, other than just grammar mistakes.This was one a paper I enjoyed writing and I think by completing it the process I did it really helped me for the future with writing new essays. I definitely like the way I edited and looked at my paper.